
My name is Brie Barker. I’m the Founder and Chief Learning Facilitator of Connected Conversations and I want to welcome you to my blog.

If you already know me, then thanks for joining me on this new adventure. If we haven’t connected directly yet, then I hope you come to see me as a trusted voice on how to transform difficult workplace relationships.

This is my first blog post … ever! (exhaling). That being said, it’s been over 10 years in the making. Over that time, I’ve helped hundreds of people, from all across North America, experience the three major benefits of learning how to transform their difficult workplace relationships:  

  • reduced personal stress,
  • improved job performance and career prospects, and
  • increased organizational effectiveness and profitability.

What kind of people have I helped? People like you:

  • People whose work and career is important to them and want to further develop their skills in this crucial area of professional competence.
  • People who’ve felt the negative consequences of being mired in a dysfunctional relationship with their boss, an employee or a co-worker.
  • People who have struggled to find a way to make things better and have a happier and more productive work life.

Before now, I’ve been helping people through my live workshops and coaching, both of which I’ve really enjoyed. With this blog, and other web-based resources I’ll be launching in the weeks to come, I’m very excited that I’ll be able to extend my reach and help even more people.

I have an invitation for you:  subscribe to my blog. That way, my new posts can come directly to your inbox and you won’t miss a thing. Plus, subscribers will also get the benefit of receiving some extra, exclusive “goodies” every now and then.

My blog-posting schedule will begin in January and I’ll be posting regularly. Once you subscribe, you’ll be given a choice of either receiving my posts as they’re published or as a weekly digest. I welcome and encourage your comments, too.

And please feel free to reach out to me any way you like, whether that’s through social media, e-mail or even with an old-school phone call.

I’m looking forward to growing our connection!